difference between open pit mining and underground mining

Determining the open pit to underground

3 deeper parts of the orebody can be mined by an underground mine and his illustration of the difference is included in Figure 1 Figure 1 Original illustrations from Nilsson 1981 showing the relationship between an open pit mine and an underground

What is the difference between opencast mining and

What is the difference between opencast mining and shaft mining Mining takes place at a mine which may be of the open pit surface or underground variety where the usual product is a valuable ore or coal not normally dimension stone What were shaft mines Access to a seam or ore body at greater depth is done by a verticalor nearly vertical path known as a pit

The Differences Between Shaft Mining And Opencast Mining

The Differences Between Shaft Mining And Opencast Mining What is the difference between opencast mining and shaft mining in open cast miniing the earth surface is simly dug out to take minerals which are shaft mining we should put bores to take minerals which are deep

Quarrying Explained IQ Home

What is the difference between a mine and a quarry In the UK a mine is defined legally as an underground working and a quarry as a site of mineral extraction without a roof In other parts of the world the world mining is

A withhold up in Mongolia

The OT project combines an open pit and an underground mine producing Had there been large differences between the different subsidiaries this may have

How are waste materials managed at mine sites

Solid mine waste overburden waste rock solidified tailings slag dust can be used as backfill in underground or open pit workings stored in piles on site or underwater to prevent ARD from occurring in the case of problematic wastes used in construction of roads and dams at the mine or recycled [1] Water can be recycled and reused for

What s The Difference Between Open Pit Mining Underground

· Best Answer Open pit mining is just digging a large area like a quarry coal taken out from the pit Underground mining is where they sink shafts into the ground tunnels run off from that point Strip mining is a form of surface mining The ore is close to the surface of the land but has one or more

difference between open pit mine quarry and underground

difference between open pit mining quarry underground mine shafts difference between open pit mining quarry underground mine shafts What is the difference between an open pit mine a quarry What is the difference between an open pit mine a quarry and an underground mine with shafts

Underground mining techniques

Underground Mining Methods and Applications Production Open pit mined out Tailingv Ventila plant Skip Cage Water basin Pump station Conveyor belt Skip filling station Sump Ore pass — ¥line Mined out and level backfilled DèÈ / Sublevel Producing stopes of stopes upin level Drilling Futures reserves Ore Ore Measuring pÞcket FIGURE The underground mine